THERE are more to gates than just being pretty feature outside the house as it acts as a safety net and is the first defense for homes. It should keep
Secure and stylish gates
PIONEER in Unigate innovation, Delux Structural introduced the trusted brand in 2009 as the first fully aluminum trackless folding gate system. The system is patented (MY-144605- A) and made in
Hi-Tech Quality Gate
Over the year, conventional gates have emerging common problems, especially when the tracks and rollers sink, damaging beautiful and expensive flooring. It gets worst when dirt gets trapped in the
Trackless Folding Gates
AS a pioneer in its Unigate innovation, DeLUX introduces a trusted brand since 2009 and the first fully gate system. UniGate by DeLUX is a trackless folding gate system patented
Trackless Tech
IN recent times, it has become a norm for every house owner to install an automatic gate despite the hefty price tag. It not only makes life more convenient but